I personally agree with my colegue Amy's thought on the drug cartels in Mexico. Mexico is right next door to two of our most populated states (california and texas). Mexican drug cartels and there under ground economy of drug smuggling, kidnapping, and murder have reacked havoc on the lives of some americans. This is caused by americans addiction to drugs like herion, cocain and even some presription drugs. Accoring to Amy's information more than 300 tons of cocain entered the US in 2010 and more than 34000 people died in drug related crimes. many of then homicides. The US has only takin a parcial inititive in combating smuggling by giving central american mlitary money to purchase american products like survailance software, aircraft tools and other tools used by police and the state. but sadly these efforts havent amounted to much.
Even the President of Mexico stated that the best way to curve the war on drugs is to reduce americans dependence on hard drugs. America has over a million people depended on imported drugs. There might be progress if america legalized drugs. Then maybe the Mexican economy that is fueled by the sale of drugs suffered.
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