The editorial I am covering is by Ann Coulter and is about the problems in Wisconsin with collective bargaining and union job salaries.
Ann Coulter’s view point is very conservative and is intended to be read by a republican affiliated audience. But anyone who is interested in political news can benefit from reading Ann Coulter’s opinion.
In the article concerns salaries that are allowed through union bargaining and how much af the bargaining was done on a one sided basis. Basically there is a large majority of civil service employees who have higher than normal salaries and that a bus driver was granted overtime pay totaling over $100,000.
Ann Coulter feels that the Politian’s are right for opposing collective bargaining in Wisconsin if it leads to over wasting money on jobs that should not be overpaid. She says that Liberal media distort the issue by appealing to the heart string of America: “These are the people who educate our children, run into burning buildings and take dangerous criminals off our streets!” She comments: “Politicians who do not immediately acquiesce to insane union demands are invariably accused of hating teachers, nurses or cops.” Mean while American states are going bankrupt because of a recessing economy and state budgets out of control. When one of the county’s chairmen was asked about the bus drivers salary he simply said, “That’s the contract”. I think we can agree that any bus driver who has a six figure salary is completely replaceable by 2 that will do the same job for 50,000 each. And that is being overly generous.
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