What is the most useful technology our country's government can invest in?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Obama and the Media

When President Obama was elected I was very pleased with our countries decision. I was not old enough to vote at the time because my birthday was two weeks after Election Day but I fallowed Obama before he even announced he would run. I made a research presentation on a possible candidate and I choose Obama because he looked interesting. After reading about him I began to follow the election more closely. Obama even came to my hometown of Corpus Christi but I was in Austin at the time visiting ACC. But when I walked to my hotel I heard Obama talking near the capital. I listened to the whole speech and felt honored to hear the future president speak.
I can honestly say I have the utmost respect for our President but lately I feel as though the public has been left in the dark by our government and the president should be more open with what our government is doing to help solve our nations many problems.
The media isn’t kind to Obama and I’m sure every time he makes time for a press conference he is weary of how it will turn out for his image and his reelection capabilities but I personally feel that if he doesn’t start including the American public in what is happening with the middle east, the economy and other US interests then he won’t get the chance to be president for another four years.
I think Obama is a really smart guy but he made a really big mistake by keeping a lot of people that worked for the Bush administration. I believe that if Obama was more open in talking to younger people he would once again be able to run our country

Friday, April 15, 2011

Blog stage six comentarry

This is a very well thought out blog post. It shows how many of the faults and problems faced by the American government and our nation’s economy as a whole. It clearly shows how our government’s bipartisan system is flawed by competing agendas and competing ideologies. I think one of the main points missed though is how our nation’s economy is pressured and pressures other economies especially in the Middle East. If America’s economy wasn’t as "global" prices for foreign goods wouldn’t be fluctuating as much when a conflict arises.
I really felt informed when they commented on the budget and how it affects our countries wealth so directly.

link to Caught in the Middle blog   http://1370358.blogspot.com/ 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Federal Government Shutdown?

A week after March 31st the federal government might partially shut down due to congress not being able to reach an agreement for a budget deal. Many federal employees are left with many questions on whether they will be needed in a week or not. Some employees on business trips also do not know if they will be able to get a flight home from out of the country if they are not essential to operations. This is extremely irresponsible of the executive branch of our federal government. If the federal government hasn’t planned for a reduction in employees due to lack of funding, what other problem’ could this lead to?
With the unrest in the Middle East and the start of a new military conflict in Libya the American people feel that every person necessary should still be employed so that problems are solved effectively and on schedule. The truth is that right and left wing politicians would rather argue for the sake of gaining party strength than working together for a common goal. American tax dollars a wasted senselessly on meetings of congress that a largely unresolved. In all honesty I am sick of our government wasting time and capital on ideological bickering. There is a way for people of all backgrounds and agendas to work in the same government and achieve common goals that would benefit American citizens in all socioeconomic classes.
If the government cannot reach an agreement serious measure need to be taken to insure that our government remains stable and reliable. It is a real shame Obama does not take a firmer grasp on the government he leads. After all he is the president and he does in fact have the power to make plans and decisions.